But, I'm back. And I'm going to try to update this on a regular basis.
So.. Something new that's happened in my life.. I dyed my hair red!! It's something I've wanted to do for a long time, and I've always go back to a red-tinted color but I've never actually been able to fully commit to the red hair out if fear it wouldn't look good, that I was going to have to bleach my hair first, and I am never going to do that again. But, I was on YouTube looking at how to lighten hair without bleach because I had dyed my hair black in late February/early March, and I was just over the dark hair, I needed a change but wasn't going to just go and chop off my hair like I normally do because I have been working so hard on growing my hair out. I somehow came across a video on how to dye your hair red without bleach, and I clicked on it on a whim. I then watched like 8 videos on all these different ways, most people lightening their hair with a blonde box dye and then a few days later using a red to acheive their end goal, but I saw a couple who used the Loreal HiColor HiLights for dark hair only and decided that that was the best choice for me.
*Disclousure* Since I did have to use a developer, I did technically "bleach" my hair because this color does have bleach in it activated by the developer.
Something you also need to remember, red dye has the largest cells, so it is hard to keep because everytime it gets wet it will lost the color faster. So if you cannot afford to upkeep this, I would not recommend dying your hair.
I would also recommend getting a red shampoo and conditioner made for red hair only. The red shampoo/conditioner will deposit red hair color back in I your hair, just like when you bleach your hair it's recommended that you get a blue/purple shampoo to help upkeep the blonde. To help your color keep, besides the red shampoo and conditioner made for red hair, you should wash and rinse your hair in cold water only.
With that knowledge I went to a local small beauty ship that's way cheaper than my local Sally's and bought what I needed.
And also the Loreal Oreor Creme Developer in 30 Volume
My measuring container for the developer so I knew I was using the right amount, the one that I bought has OZ on one side and ML on the other, so I just made sure to use the OZ side for the correct amount
I also just bought a brush wand thing to apply the product to my hair
I then just used a disposable bowl and mixed the dye with the developer- 2:1 ratio. My hair dye container is a 1.2oz bottle so I used 3.4oz of the developer.
I just added it to my hair, tip to root. The box said to leave it on for 30 minutes. So I did, I rinsed it out, and because my hair was so dark, it hardly did anything, even to my roots, especially since my natural hair color is a dark brown/black color.
So, I waited 24 hours and then did it again, tip to root. This time, I did my entire head, but only from the top of my ears down did I do the roots. The top of my hair, I only did the tip and middle. I let it sit for 10 minutes and then I added the dye to my roots on the side and top of my hair and let it sit for 35 minutes, making the total hair color time, 45 minutes instead of the recommendation of 30 minutes.
This time, my roots came out a brighter red while the rest of my hair was still dark but with a really dark red tint. In the sun, it's almost the same color. But, in a few days, I will be re-dying the tips/middle of my hair to hopefully make my hair a more even red color. These are a before and after the second round of color photo. I will 100% update you guys once I get it to my desired color.
Before; My Black Hair:
After; Two Rounds of Dye:
My hair is splotchy because I did dye my hair by myself without help an without a second mirror to see how the back turned out, that's another reason I will be doing a 3rd round.
Something I think people forget, is that our hair is a living creature, and just like the skin, if you cut just an inch or even half and inch off out hair, sends signals that it has been damaged and it needs extra cells to help heal the broken.
With all that said, I am not a professional. I just did research and asked my friend who does hair for a living, and decide that this would be te best way for me personally. I recommend that you do the research and make the decision that would be best for your hair.
I hope you enjoyed this long blog about how I did my hair. I will be trying to keep up with this. Good night my loves, enjoy the weekend and be safe.
xoxo Kailey.
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