Friday, April 4, 2014

Heart Breaking News!

You know when you are unsure about a product, you get a sample size. But once you've used it a couple times you just fall in love with it and don't want it to ever go away. But then you run out if the sample!!

Well.. That happened to me a few days ago. I fell in love with the Benefit Hellow Flawless Foundation. But I ran out of my sample! I'm so sad. Because I'm really just too broke to go buy a full version of it right now. I'm really tempted to go back and ask for another sample. Especially since I am getting tan an I'm not quite sure what my shade is anymore. I'm usually Ivory, but I have gotten some color the past few days, and now I'm not exactly sure if I'm dark enough for the next shade or if I'm still ok with the one I was. 

Decisions decisions. But! I'm still so upset that I ran out. I literally cried. 

I spent a good 5-7 minutes getting every last drop out of that bottle so my face would be even. 

That is literally every last drop I managed to get out of the little bottle. 

It's a sad sad day in this lady's life. 

xoxo Kailey

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